The 1975 - Part Of The Band Chords

  • Artist: The 1975
  • Song: Part Of The Band
  • Album: Being Funny In A Foreign Language
  • Release Date: 2022-10-14
  • Genre: modern alternative rock, modern rock, pop, pov: indie, rock
  • Key: F#/Gb Major
  • Tempo: 142
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 1
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to The 1975 - Part Of The Band Chords on Spotify

When did The 1975 release Part Of The Band?

Part Of The Band was released on 2022-10-14

Capo: 4th Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1GShe was part of the ADir Force, I was part of the bAand
I always used to bBmust into her hand
GIn my, my, Dmy imaginAationBm
GI was living my bDest life, living with my pAarents
Way before the pBmaying penance and verbal proGpellants
And my, my, Dmy cancellaAtions,.Bmhm, yeah
Verse 2And GI fell in love with a bDoy, it was kinda lAame
I was RimbaBmud and he was Paul VerlaGine
In my, my, mDy imaginAationBm
GSo many cringes and heDroin binges
I was coAming off the hinges, lBmiving on the fringes
GOf my, my, Dmy imaginAation,Bmoh, yeah
Pre-ChorusEmEnoAugh about me nEmow
"You gotta tAalk about the people, baby"
EmBut thAat's kind of the idea
ChorusBmAt home, somewhere AI don't like
EGating stuff off of moDtorbikes
CGomingF#m to her lGookalikes.ABbdim
BmI can't get the lAanguage right
Just tGell me what's unlDadylikeInterludeGF#mGA.
Verse 3I know some VGaccinista tDote bag chic barisAtas
Sitting in east on their cBmommunista keistGers
Writing abDout their ejaculaAtions.Bm
"I like my mGen like I like my cDoffee
Full of soy mAilk and so sweet, it won't ofBmfend anybody"
WGhilst staining the pDages of the nAation, Bmoh, yeahPre-ChorusEma XAanax and a NewEmport
"Well I take cAare of my kids", she sEmaidA
ChorusThe wBmorst inside of uAs begets
That feGeling on the iDnternet
It's lGike sF#momeone iGntended it
(Like adAvertising cBbdimigarettes)
A dBmiamond in the roAugh begets
The diGamond with a scrDuff you getInstrumentalGF#mGA.
OutroAm GI ironically woke? The F#mbutt of my joke?
Or am I juAst some post-coke, aBmverage, skinny bloke
GCalling his Dego imaginAation?Bm
I've not pGicked up that in a thoDusand four hundred dAays
And nine hours and sBmixteen minutes, baGbe
It's kind of my dDaily iterAation.G

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