Taylor Swift - Innocent (Taylor's Version) Chords

When did Taylor Swift release Innocent (Taylor's Version)?

Innocent (Taylor's Version) was released on 2023-07-07

Capo: 2nd Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1BmI guess you A/C#really did it thDis tiGme
BmLeft yourA/C#self in your wDar pGath
BmLost your bA/C#alance on a tDightrGope
BmLost your A/C#mind tryin' to gDet it baGck
Pre-ChorusAWasn't it BmeasGier in your lunchbox days?
AAlways a Bmbigger bGed to crawl into
AWasn't it bBmeautifGul when you believed in everything
AAnd everybody beBmlieved in yGou?
ChorusDIt's alright, just wait and see
Your strAing of lights are still bright to me, oh
BmWho you are is not where you've beGen
You're still an innocBmentA/C#DG.
You're still an innocBmentA/C#DG.
Verse 2BmDid some thA/C#ings you can't spDeak oGf
BmBut at A/C#night, you live it aDll agGain
BmYou wouldn't be sA/C#hattered on the flDoor nGow
BmIf only you had A/C#seen what you kDnow nGow then
Pre-ChorusAWasn't it BmeasGier in your firefly-catching days?
AWhen everything Bmout of rGeach
Someone bigger brought down to you
AWasn't it bBmeautiGful running wild 'til you fell asleep
ABefore the monsters caught Bmup to yGou?
ChorusDIt's alright, just wait and see
Your strAing of lights are still bright to me, oh
BmWho you are is not where you've bGeen
You're still an innocDent
It's okay, life is a tough crAowd
Thirty-two and still growing up Bmnow
Who you are is not what you dGid
You're still an innocentInstrumentalBmA/C#DG.
BridgeTBmime turns flames to embers
YAou'll have new Septembers
EGvery one of us has messed up, too, ooh
MBminds change like the weather
AI hope you remember
GToday is never too late to be brand Bmnew
Oh, BmohAG.
ChorusDIt's alright, just wait and see
Your strAing of lights is still bright to me, oh
BmWho you are is not where you've bGeen
You're still an innocent
DIt's okay, life is a tough crAowd
Thirty-two and still growing up Bmnow
Who you are is not what you dGid
You're still an innocBmentA/C#DG.
You're still an innocBmentA/C#DG.
OutroBmLost your bA/C#alance on a tDightrGope, oh
BmIt's never A/C#too late to gDet it bGack

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