Olivia Rodrigo - Bad Idea Right? Chords

When did Olivia Rodrigo release bad idea right??

bad idea right? was released on 2023-09-08

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

For the A/C# chord, an easier way to play it is x42220 or x4222x. Or just play a normal freakin’ A chord! LOL. Enjoy!

something here
IntroAh, hey
Verse 1HEaven't heard from you in a couple of months
But I'm out right now, and I'm all ****** up
And you're cEallin' my phone, you're all alone
And I'm sensin' some undertone
And IE'm right here with all my friends
But you're sendin' me your new address
And I knEow we're done, I know we're through
But, God, when I look at youRefrainMy brain goes, "AEh"D.
Can't hear my thA/C#oughts (I cannot hCear my thoughts)
Like blah-bElah-blah-bDlah (Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah)
Should probA/C#ably
I should probably, probably not
CI should probably, probably notPre-ChorusSEeein' you tonight, It's a bad idea, right?
SEeein' you tonight, It's a bad idea, right?
SEeein' you tonight, It's a bad idea, right?
SEeein' you tonight
**** it, it's fineChorusYEes, I know that Ahe's my ex
But cEan't two people reAconnect?
I oEnly see him aAs a friend
(The bEiggest lie I eAver said)
Oh, yEes, I know that Ahe's my ex
But cEan't two people rAeconnect?
I oEnly see him aAs a friend
(I juEst tripped and fell into his bed)Verse 2Now I'm gEettin' in the car, wreckin' all my plans
I know I should stop
But I can't
And I tEold my friends I was asleep
But I never said where, in his sheets
And I pEull to your place on the second floor
And you're standin', smiling at the door
And I'm suEre I've seen much hotter men
But I really can't remember whenRefrainMy brain goes, "AEh"D.
Can't hear my thA/C#oughts (I cannot hCear my thoughts)
Like blah-bElah-blah-bDlah (Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah)
Should probA/C#ably
I should probably, probably not
CI should probably, probably notPre-ChorusSEeein' you tonight (Ah)
It's a bad idea, right?
SEeein' you tonight
It's a bad idea, right?
SEeein' you tonight
It's a bad idea, right?
SEeein' you tonight
**** it, it's fineChorusYEes, I know that Ahe's my ex
But cEan't two people reAconnect?
I oEnly see him aAs a friend
(The bEiggest lie I eAver said)
Oh, yEes, I know that Ahe's my ex
But cEan't two people rAeconnect?
I oEnly see him aAs a friend
(I juEst tripped and fell into his bed)BridgeOh, yEes, I know that he's my ex
CEan't two people reconnect?InstrumentalEAEAEA.
(The bEiggest lie I eAver said)
(I just tEripped and fell inAto his bed)
My brain goes, "EAh".AEA.
Can't hear my thEougAhts
(The biEggest lie I eAver said)
My brain goes, "AEh"AEA.
Can't hear my thoEughts.A.
(I just trEipped and fell into his bed)OutroThEougAhts.EA.

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