VC Pines - Compared To Someone Else Chords

When did VC Pines release Compared to Someone Else?

Compared to Someone Else was released on 2021-05-26

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

I use D#m7 as a alternative for Ebm7 it's the same chords but many name or call about that chord 😀
Hope you enjoy guys

something here
VerseENow the damage is dD#m7one
Where have you gG#mone
Guess I’ve always known
BYou prefer it on your own
Secrets in slD#m7eep
Dive in dG#meep your
Cheeks so stBeep
When tears start to streakChorusEWe fall through the aAir to save ourselG#mves
Taking chances in the rBain we dance so well
E You’re so far awAay but I can tG#mell
I’d hate to be comBpared to someone elseInstrumentalED#m7
G#m I’d hate to be compBared to someone else
Remember when this beD#m7gun
The days were so lG#mong
Slipping in the sun
BSinging like we know the songs
E Did you just sD#m7ay you never lG#moved
It amazes me how Btime is so easily robbedChorusE We fall through the aAir to save ourseG#mlves
Taking chances in the rBain we dance so well
E You’re so far aAway but I can tG#mell
I’d hate to be comBpared to someone elseChorusE We fall through the aAir to save ourseG#mlves
Taking chances in the rBain we dance so well
E You’re so far aAway but I can tG#mell
I’d hate to be comBpared to someone elseInstrumentalED#m7
G#m I’d hate to be compBared to someone else
G#m I’d hate to be compBared to someone else

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