Tom Odell - Just Another Thing We Don't Talk About Chords

When did Tom Odell release Just Another Thing We Don't Talk About?

Just Another Thing We Don't Talk About was released on October 28, 2022

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
IntroAVerse 1RAainFdim7Coming home agaAinSFdim7tepping off the tC#mrainHow you bDeen?I can't compC#mlainIt's been a whDileEI'm glad you cAameFdim7Coffee in a flAaskFdim7Driving much C#mtoo fastHave you had Da drink?Wouldn't want to C#maskDon't waDnna thinkEAbout the paF#mstChorusThEis could be the tAime we work thinDgs outF#mSay some things that Ewe should Asay oDut loudBut if there's F#manything that E/AbI've leAarnt Dby nowIt'll be Ajust another thing that Ewe don't talk abDoutIt'll be jAust another thing that Ewe don't talk abAoutVerse 2Fdim7Eyes upon the roAadThe Fdim7chili's on the sC#mtoveShall we have aD beer?Should I tell a C#mjoke?And keep thDis sinkEing ship aflAoatAnd Fdim7stumble up to bAedBut Fdim7now I'm seeing C#mredIt's not what you dDidIt's not what you C#msaidIt's the sDilenceEwe choose instF#meadChorusTEhis could be the tAime we worked thDings outWe could F#msay some things that E/Abwe should sAay ouDt loudAnd if there's F#manything that E/AbI've leAarnt bDy nowIs it'll bAe just another thing tEhat we don't talk aDboutAh, it'll Abe just another thing that Ewe don't talk aDboutAh, it'll Abe just another thing that Ewe don't talk abDoutIt'll be jAust another thing that Ewe don't talk abAout

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