Taylor Swift - When Emma Falls in Love (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) Chords

When did Taylor Swift release When Emma Falls in Love (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault)?

When Emma Falls in Love (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault) was released on 2023-07-07

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here

D....A....Em.....G.Verse 1When EDmma falls in love, she pAaces the floor
ClEmoses the blinds and lGocks the door.D....A....Em.....G.
When EDmma falls in love, she caAlls up her mom
JEmokes about the ways that thGis one could go wrong.D....A....Em.....G.
She waDits and takes her tAime
'Cause Little Miss SEmunshine always thiGnks it's gonna raDin..A....Em.....G.
When EEmmma falls in love, I know
That boy will nAever be the sameChorusAnd sGhe's the kind of boDok that you can't put dAown
Like if ClGeopatra gDrew up in a small tAown
And all the bGad boys would be gDood boys
If they oAnly had a chance to love her
And to tCell you the truth, sometimes I wish I was hGerVerse 2When EDmma falls in love, it's aAll on her face
HEmangs in the air like stGars in outer spDace.A....Em.....G.
When EDmma falls in love, she dAisappears
And we aEmll just laugh after sGeein' it all these yeDars.A...Em.....G.
When EDmma falls apart, it's whAen she's alone
She tEmakes on the pain and beGars it on her oDwn..A....Em.....G.
'Cause when EDmma falls in love, she's Ain it for keeps
She won't wEmalk away unlGess she knows she aAbsolutely has to lGeave.A.ChorusAnd sGhe's the kind of boDok that you can't put dAown
Like if ClGeopatra gDrew up in a small tAown
And all the bGad boys would be gDood boys
If they oAnly had a chance to love her
And to tCell you the truth, sometimes I wish I was hGerInstrumentalD....A....Em.....G.
D....A....Em.....G.BridgeWell, she's Emso New York when shGe's in L.A.??
She won't lDose herself in love the way that AI did
'Cause she'll cEmall you out, she'll pGut you in your place
When EEmmma falls in F#mlove, I'm leCarningVerse 3DEmma met a boy with eAyes like a man
TEmurns out her heart fits rGight in the palm of his haDnd..A...Em....G.
Now hDe'll be her shelter whAen it rains
Little dEmoes he know, his whole wGorld's about to chaDnge.A...Em....G.ChorusAnd sGhe's the kind of boDok that you can't put dAown
Like if ClGeopatra gDrew up in a small tAown
And all the bGad boys would be gDood boys
If they oAnly had a chance to love her
And to tCell you the truth, sometimes I wish I was hGerOutroYeah, bEmetween me and you, sometF#mimes I wish I was Gher

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