Verse 1DYour little A/C#hand's wrapped aBmround my fAinger
And iGt's so quiet in the woArld tonight
DYour little eA/C#yelids fBmlutter 'cause you're drAeaming
So GI tuck you in, turn on your fAavorite nightlightPre-ChorusGTo you, everything's funny
BmYou got nothing to regrGet
I'd give all I have, honey
AIf you could stay like that
ChorusDOh, dA/C#arling, don't you eBmver grow uAp
Don't you eGver grow up, just stAay this little
DOh, dA/C#arling, don't you eBmver grow Aup
Don't you eGver grow up, it could stAay this simple
GI won't let nobody hurt Bmyou
Won't let no one break your heGart
And no one will desert yAou
Just try to never grow DupPost-ChorusDA/C#BmAGA.
And never grow DupA/C#BmAGA.
Verse 2DYou're in the A/C#car, on Bmthe way to the mAovies
And you're mGortified your mom's drAoppin' you off
DAt fourA/C#teen, there's just so mBmuch you can't Ado
And you can't wGait to move out someday and cAall your own shotsPre-ChorusGBut don't make her drop you off around the block
BmRemember that she's gettin' older, tGoo
And don't lose the way that you dance aroAund
In your PJs getting ready for schoolChorusDOh, dA/C#arling, don't you eBmver grow uAp
Don't you eGver grow up, just stAay this little
DOh, dA/C#arling, don't you eBmver grow Aup
Don't you eGver grow up, it could stAay this simple
GAnd no one's ever burned Bmyou
Nothing's ever left you scGarred
And even though you want tAo
Just try to never grow uDpInterludeDA/C#BmAGA.
BridgeTGake pictures in your F#mmind of your childhood roAom
GMemorize what it sF#mounded like when your dAad gets home
Remember the foGotsteps, remember the wF#mords said
And all your lAittle brother's favorite songs
GI just realized eF#mverything I hAave is, someday, gonna be gone
Verse 3DSo, here I A/C#am in Bmmy new apAartment
In a bGig city, they just droApped me off
DIt's so much cA/C#older than I tBmhought it woAuld be
So I tGuck myself in and turn my nAightlight on.GF#mA.
ChorusWish I'd never grown uGpF#mA.
Wish I'd never grown up
DOh,.A/C#I don't wBmanna grow uAp
Wish I'd neGver grown up, I could stAill be little
DOh,A/C# I don't wBmanna grow Aup
Wish I'd nGever grown up, it could stAill be simple
DOh, A/C#darling, don't you eBmver grow Aup
Don't you eGver grow up, just stAay this little
DOh, dA/C#arling, don't you eBmver grow uAp
Don't you evGer grow up, it could stAay this simple
DA/C#I won't Bmlet nobody hAurt yGou (Never grow up)
Won't let nAo one break your heDart.A/C#
And eBmven though you wAant Gto
PleAase, try to never grow uDpOutroA/C#Oh,. oBmh AOh, Goh (Never grow up)
AJust never grow up
A/C#Oh,. oBmh AOh, Goh (Never grow up)
AJust never grow uDp