Taylor Swift - Enchanted (Taylor's Version) Chords

When did Taylor Swift release Enchanted (Taylor's Version)?

Enchanted (Taylor's Version) was released on 2023-07-07

Capo: 1st fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1TGhere I was again tonight
FBmorcing laughter, faking smiles
SCame old tired, lonely plGace
WGalls of insincerity
SBmhifting eyes and vacancy
VCanished when I saw your faGce
All I can say is it wCas enchanting to mEmeet yDouVerse 2YGour eyes whispered, "Have we met?"
ABmcross the room, your silhouette
SCtarts to make its way to Gme
The plGayful conversation starts
CBmounter all your quick remarks
Like paCssing notes in secrecGy
And it wCas enchanting to mEmeet yDou
All I can say is I wCas enchanted to mEmeet yDouChorusCThis night is spGarklin', dDon't you let it Cgo
I'm wonderstGruck, blushin' aDll the way hCome
I'll spend forGever woDnderin' if you knCew
I was enchanted to mEmeet yDouG
Verse 3The lGingering question kept me up
Bm2AM, who do you love?
CI wonder 'til I'm wide awGake
And nGow, I'm pacing back and forth
WBmishing you were at my door
IC'd open up and you would sGay
"Hey, it wCas enchanting to mEmeet yDou"
All I know is I wCas enchanted to mEmeet yDouChorusCThis night is spGarklin', doDn't you let it Cgo
I'm wonderstrGuck, blushin' aDll the way hCome
I'll spend forGever wDonderin' if you kCnew.EmD
CThis night is flGawless, doDn't you let it gCo
I'm wonderstruGck, dancing aroDund all alCone
I'll spend forGever woDnderin' if you knCew
I was enchanted to mEmeet yDouInstrumentalGBmCG.
BridgeThis is me praying that
CThis was the very first page
EmNot where the stDoryline ends
CMy thoughts will echo your nEmame
Until I sDee you aCgain
These are the words I held bEmack
As I was leDaving too sCoon
I was enchanted to mEmeet yDou
PlGease, don't be in love with sBmomeone else
PlCease, don't have somebody waGiting on you
PleGase, don't be in love with sBmomeone else (Ooh)
PlCease, don't have somebody waGiting on you (Ooh, oh)ChorusCThis night is spGarklin', dDon't you let it gCo
I'm wonderstrGuck, blushin' aDll the way hCome
I'll spend forGever woDnderin' if you knCewEmD.
CThis night is flGawless (Please, don't be in love with someone else)
DDon't you let it Cgo
I'm wonderstrGuck (Please, don't have somebody waiting on you)
Dancing aroDund all alCone
I'll spend forGever (Please, don't be in love with someone else)
WDonderin' if you kCnew
I was enchanted to mEmeet yDouOutroPlGease, don't be in love with sBmomeone else
PlCease, don't have somebody waGiting on you

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