IntroGDCDVerse 1GIt feels like a peDrfect nightC To dress up like DhipstersG And make fun of our eDxes,C uh-uh,D uh-uhGIt feels like a peDrfect nightC For breakfast at DmidnightG To fall in love with Dstrangers,C uh-uh,D uh-uhPre-ChorusGYeahDWe're hCappy, free, confused, and loDnely at the sGame timeDIt's mCiserable and magiDcal, oh yeGahDToniCght's the night when we forgDet about the dGeadlinesD It's tiCme, oh-ohChorusG I don't know abDout youC, but I'm feeling Em22DEverything will be alrighCt if youD keep me next to yGouYou don't kDnow about me,C but I'll bet you want EmtoDEverything will be alrigCht ifD we just keep dancing like weG'reD2C2,D 2C2Verse 2GIt seems like oDne of those nightsC This place is too cDrowdedG Too many cDool kids,C uh-uh,D uh-uh
(Who's Taylor Swift, anyway? Ew)GIt seems like one of those nDightsC We ditch the whDole sceneG And end up drDeamingC Instead of sleeDpingPre-ChorusGYeahDWe're hCappy, free, confused, and loDnely in the bGest wayDIt's miCserable and magicDal, oh, yeGahDToniCght's the night when we forgDet about the hGeartbreaksD It's tiCme, oh-ohChorusGHey!I don't know aDbout yoCu, but I'm feelingEm 22DEverything will be alrighCt if youD keep me next to yGouYou don't kDnow about me,C but I'll bet you want EmtoDEverything will be alrigCht ifD we just keep dancing like weG'reD2C2, Em22DI don't know about yGouD22C Em22DBridgeGIt feels like one of thDose nightCs
We ditch the whole sceneIt feels like one of thEmose nigDhts
We won't be sleepingGIt feels like one of thDose nightCs
You look like bad newsI gotta haEmve youDI gotta have yGouDOoh, oCoh, yeah, heyEm, yeDahChorusGHey!I don't know aDbout yoCu, but I'm feelingEm 22DEverything will be alrighCt if youD keep me next to yGouYou don't kDnow about me,C but I'll bet you want EmtoDEverything will be alrigCht ifD we just keep dancing like weG'reD2C2, Em22D Dancing liGkeD22C(Yeah, yeah),Em 22D(Yeah, yeah, yeah)OutroGIt feels like one of thDose nightCs
We ditch the whole sceneIt feels like one of thEmose nigDhts
We won't be sleepingGIt feels like one of thDose nightCs
You look like bad newsI gotta haEmve youD
I gotta have you