Verse 1Bm,I got a trDuck out Gin the drive
And it’s mBmaybe, a hDundred thoGusand miles
And it’s sBmtill not as gDood
You she gGets drunk on
Drinkin’ rBmegular from the gDasoline pGump
BmI got a heDart that beGats too fast
And I sBmhake my haDnds and paGin in my back
And I’m jBmust twenty-tDwo going Gon twenty-three
I’m already wBmorn down from evDery thGingChorusSo I’m gonna drEmive out for the sGunshines
Drown out the noDise and the way I fAeel
But even the lEmight is so temporaGry
And I see the dDark at the back of my hAeels
I feel it all the tBmimeInterludeBmDG.
Verse 2BmWe’re we waking Dup from these suGdden dreams
Where we cBman’t see paDst what’s in frGont of me
I was woBmndering iDf it could mGean something
Or if it’s nBmonsense like eDverything eGlse
BmMaybe there’s daDys where it’s just rGunning out
Like gBmasoline gaDuges and driGvin’ South
Oh, I hBmope that mDeans you keep drGagging me on
What they wBmant down Dto the bGoneChorusSo I’m gonna drEmive out for the sGunshines
Drown out the noDise and the way I fAeel
But even the lEmight is so temporaGry
And I see the dDark at the back of my hAeels
So I’m going to dEmrive till I’m in swallowing sGunset
And let me collDapse like a broken mAold
‘Cause I’m gaspin’ for Emair
And I don’t feel notGhin’
I’m closin’ my eDyes till the threat is goAne
I feel it all the timeInterludeBmDG.
OutroBmI got a trDuck out iGn the drive
And it’s mBmaybe, a hDundred thGousand miles
And I dBmon’t think ID’ll ever mGake it so far
It makes me Bmsad if I thDink too haGrd