Verse 1BmDays in darkness rolling bGy
And how the years betrDay us
And our dreams esA/C#cape us
The wBmorld I wanted turned to nGight
Love became a shDadow
Where did the A/C#time go?Pre-ChorusSGomeone said this is aEmll part of the plDan
But I don't understAandChorusNow that I Bmwalk through the valleyF#m of deGath
You're the light to guDide me
When I'm lost and A/C#can't see
I'm holding Bmon with all the strengthF#m I caGn
Say you won't forgDet me
'Cause sometimes I A/C#don't believe
That I Bmam not alGone in the valley of dBmeath.GDA/C#
Verse 2BmLove and laughter turn to teGars
What will come tomoDrrow?
Is it joy or sA/C#orrow?
BmMemories fading through the yGears
Now I've got some smDile lines
We've had some A/C#good timesPre-ChorusGI can't help wondering how much time is lDeft
'Cause I'm not readyA/C# yetChorusNow that I Bmwalk through the valleyF#m of deGath
You're the light to guDide me
When I'm lost and A/C#can't see
I'm holding Bmon with all the strengthF#m I caGn
Say you won't forgDet me
'Cause sometimes I A/C#don't believe
That I Bmam not alGone in the valley of deathBridgeEmWhen I can't carry Gon
Enter iAnto F#7the unknBmown
When I'm wAith you where I belGong
EmWhen the night's too hard to taGke
And the sAtarlight sF#7tarts to fBmade
Come and fiAnd me, I need to be sGaved
Before it's too F#mlateA.
ChorusNow that I Bmwalk through the valleyF#m of deaGth
You're the light to gDuide me
When I'm lost and A/C#can't see
I'm holdingBm on with all the strengthF#m I cGan
Say you won't forgDet me
'Cause sometimes I A/C#don't believe (I don't believe)ChorusNow that I wBalk through the valley F#mof deGath (Through the valley of death)
You're the light to guDide me (To guide me)
When I'm lost A/C#can't see (I can't see)
I'm holdingBm on with all the strengthF#m I cGan (With the strength that I can)
Say you won't forDget me (Forget me)
'Cause sometimes I dA/C#on't believe (I don't believe)
ThatBm I am not aloGne (I am not alone)
ThatBm I am not alGone (I am not alone)
That BmI am not aloGne
In the valley of deBmath