Sam Feldt - Pick Me Up Chords (Sam Fischer)

When did Sam Feldt release Pick Me Up?

Pick Me Up was released on 2021-05-28

Capo: 4th Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

The A/C# in the Bridge is optional. You can substitute a regular A chord if you are finding it hard to play

Hope you enjoy 😀

something here
VerseBmDarkness comeAs, dayliDght goes.G.
BmYou wait forAever eveDn if I doGn't
BmSummer rAain, sleDepless niGghts
BmIn any weatAher I'm saDfe insiGdePre-ChorusYour aBmrms nAow ID'm foGund
BmIn your aArms therDe's solid groundChorusWhen I Bmfeel lAike a cDastle in the sGand
And I Bmfall down, you pAick me up aDgaiGn
When I cBman't fAind the ansDwers in the wGind
And I fBmalter, you pAick me uDp again
When I fall down you'll pick me up againInstrumentalBmADG.
When I fDall down you'll piGck me up again
When I fDall down you'll piGck me up againVerseBmFrom rising sAea to seDtting sunG
BmWe'll be togeAther, foDrever youGng
In the dBmead of niAght when Dthunder rGolls
BmCrawl under covAers and Dhold me clGosePre-ChorusIn your aBmrms nAow ID'm foGund
BmIn your aArms there'Ds solid groundChorusWhen I Bmfeel lAike a cDastle in the sGand
And I Bmfall down, you pAick me up DagaiGn
When I cBman't fiAnd the ansDwers in the wGind
And I fBmalter, you pAick me up aDgain
(When I fall down you'll pick me up again)InstrumentalBmADG.
When I fDall down you'll piGck me up again
BridgeYou're Bmall A/C#IDneed
When DI can't stand on my oAwn two feet
And I'm BmonA/C#myDknees
DI know whenever I fall down you'll pick me up againInstrumentalBmADG.
When I fDall down you'll piGck me up again
OutroWhen I fBmeel liAke a casDtle in the sGand
And I fBmall down, you pAick me up agDain.G.
When I cBman't fiAnd the ansDwers in the wGind
When I fBmall down you'll pAick me
When I fDall down you'll piGck me up again

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