Pre-ChorusI've wCasted all this Emtime thinking Amyou might still come over
But EmI'm honestly so tired of this rFoom
Now I lCay awake and tEmhink of all the tAmhings that I can say
But I'm Emhonestly surprised I'm still with yFouChorusI CfalEml apAmart
WheEmnever I'm not with yFou
I CfalEml apaAmrt
WhenEmever my heart's not in tFuneVerseAm CI the one you wEmant? Do you Amsee yourself with me?
Am I mEmerely just a project, something you can tweak?
Is there aCnybody Emout there that fAmeels the way I do?
I get Emsuper duper nauseous, so diFzzy I could puke
I keep mCissing all my Emdeadlines and fAmreaking out my dad
I don't Emknow if I'm okay but, God, I hFate it wh?n they ask 'cause
IC'm not good at Emlying, I rAmeally wish I was
To b? hoEmnest, I should never buy a gFun
I'd kill myself for funPre-ChorusI've waCsted all this Emtime thinking Amyou might still come over
But I'm Emhonestly so tired of this Froom
Now I lCay awake and Emthink of all the Amthings that I can say
But I'm Emhonestly surprised I'm still with FyouChorusI CfalEml apAmart
WhenEmever I'm not with yFou
I Cfa--Emll aAmpart
WheneEmver my heart's not in tFune