Robyn Ottolini - Boujee On A Budget Chords

When did Robyn Ottolini release Boujee On A Budget?

Boujee On A Budget was released on 2021-11-22

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here

IntroD....Bm.....D....Bm..Verse 1It don't pDay to be pretty, but it pBmays to be smart
Looking gDood while being poor, now tBmhat's a work of art
This bDasic ***** tattoo that you Bmsee here on my arm
When my fBmriend did it, we were stDoned in her kitchen,A bless her heartChorusI'm bDoujee on a budget, you wouldn't knBmow nothing bout it
Unless you duDmpster dive at your local thrift store pBmarking lot
Or you cDut your hair with your mBmama's kitchen scissors
Your glDow was brought to you by dAollar store glitter
I'm a chBmanged woman, I stGill look fly
Get to kDeep my cake, eAat the pie
And if I Bmever get rich and fDamous I'll still lAike free ****
Why? 'Cause I'm boujee on a bDudget.Bm...
Boujee on a bDudget.Bm..Verse 2I'm not tDhinking I'm an expert, but I tBmhink I know a lot
You can stDill get a tan if you dBmon't own a yacht
I don't eDven wanna talk about that pBmrice of botox
It's called lBmimp plumper from your loDcal Winners or yAou could just notChorusI'm bDoujee on a budget, you wouldn't knBmow nothing bout it
Unless you duDmpster dive at your local thrift store pBmarking lot
Or you cDut your hair with your mBmama's kitchen scissors
Your glDow was brought to you by dAollar store glitter
I'm a chBmanged woman, I stGill look fly
Get to kDeep my cake, eAat the pie
And if I Bmever get rich and fDamous I'll still lAike free ****
Why? 'Cause I'm boujee on a bDudget.Bm...
Boujee on a bDudget.Bm..BridgeYou can sDtill look classy, you can stBmill look brand new
Finding DGucci for five dollars, now tBmhat's called value
You can sDtill be sassy, wear wBmhatever you choose
It's called bBmeing confident in whatDever you're rocking, nAot the price of your shoesChorusI'm bDoujee on a budget, you wouldn't knBmow nothing bout it
Unless you duDmpster dive at your local thrift store pBmarking lot
Or you cDut your hair with your mBmama's kitchen scissors
Your glDow was brought to you by dAollar store glitter
I'm a chBmanged woman, I stGill look fly
Get to kDeep my cake, eAat the pie
And if I Bmever get rich and fDamous I'll still lAike free ****
Why? 'Cause I'm boujee on a bDudget.Bm...
Boujee on a bDudget.Bm..
Boujee on a bDudget.Bm.....D....Bm..OutroAnyway, I just, I just learned you could curl your hair using straws

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