Luke Combs - Growin' Up and Gettin' Old Chords

When did Luke Combs release Growin' Up and Gettin' Old?

Growin' Up and Gettin' Old was released on 2023-03-24

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
IntroDGDVerse 1I stDill hit them dive bars, every oGnce in a blue moDonI've got a wDild card, that I keGep inside my boDotI've been thiAnkin' lately maGybe I should saDve it'Cause them hAangovers sure kiGck my *** these dDaysSo I spend mBmost my happy hAours here at hGomeIn the middle of growin' Aup and gettin' oDldChorusBut I can stDill raise hell all night with the boys when I wGant toDLay that haDmmer down to see how fast she'll gAoBut these dDays I hang my hat on what I wGon't doDI've been fDindin' peace of mind slowin' my roAllLearn to Bmtow that line with tAime as it goGesIn the mGiddle of growin' Aup and gettin' oDldVerse 2It's when you start thiDnkin', how much tGime left you gDotIf it's mDore sand, in the bGottom or the tDop'Cause that hoAurglass we hGave don't last forDeverI've been thAinkin' 'bout it mGore and more these daDysIt's like the Bmless you have, the fAaster that it gGoesIn the mGiddle of growin' uAp and gettin' oDldChorusBut I can stDill raise hell all night with the boys when I wGant toDLay that haDmmer down to see how fast she'll gAoBut these dDays I hang my hat on what I wGon't doDI've been fDindin' peace of mind slowin' my roAllLearn to Bmtow that line with tAime as it goGesIn the mGiddle of growin' Aup and gettin' oDldBridgeI'm still bAendin' rules but thiGnkin' 'fore I brDeak 'emAnd I ain't lGost a step, I just F#mlook before I tAake 'emChorusBut I can stDill raise hell all night with the boys when I wGant toDLay that haDmmer down to see how fast she'll gAoBut these dDays I hang my hat on what I wGon't doDI've been fDindin' peace of mind slowin' my roAllLearn to Bmtow that line with tAime as it goGesIn the mGiddle of growin' Aup and gettin' oDldOutroDGD

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