Verse 1When I aFsked you to coffee
Could you tell I don't drink itC?
When I Fgot to the café
Could you tell what I was thCinkinFg?
My hGeart's on my sleeve, it's emF-barrassing
The pEmulpy thing, beFatingVerse 2When you aFsked my age, I lied
I sCaw relief dawn onEm your eyes
It's nFot your fault, it's mine
Let the rCecord show
I waEmlked in on my own.F.
Verse 3F Knee-deep in the city that never slCeeps
I lay down in the midEdle of the street
F Lamplight like parallel suns
GCrowding out the early morning starsF
F Concrete holding heat from the daytiCme
Picking petals to sEee if you will be mineChorusF Do you love me? Do you love me not?
G Do you love me? Do you love me not?
F Do you love me? Do you love me not?
G Do you love me? Do you love me not?InterludeCFF
Verse 4You were my parCtner in cFrime
It was a welcCome wasGte of time
FEating cherries on the brAmidge, feet danglingG
Throwing the pits and sCtems into the racing curFrent below
I get vertigEmo looking Fdown and Emlooking inInstrumentalCFAmCFG
Verse 5F Drop me off at the curb by my curfew
C Around the corner so noboEdy sees you
F You drop a hint that you got a girlfriend
G I tried my best not to take itF
FI wanna run my fingers through you
C You say nobody undersEtands you like I doChorusF But do you love me? Do you love me not?
G Do you love me? Do you love me not?
F Do you love me? Do you love me not?
G Do you love me? Do you love me not?InterludeFCAmF.