Katie Gregson-MacLeod - September Chords

When did Katie Gregson-MacLeod release September?

September was released on October 13, 2023

Capo: 3rd Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here

IntroG.....A.....D.....G.Verse 1GI was in a daydream thAinking of you, baby
RiDght when he spun my grGound
TGook a little time, a quAarter of a wine
I'm aDsking him to come aroGundRefrainYGou were everything that I wAanted
YDou were never quite so sGure
YGou were everything I wAanted
But now I want mDoreVerse 2YGou were on ice, thAinner by the night
When he loDoked at me the way he dGid
Some tGime in Big Red and tAop 3 head
We were lDoving like stupid kGidsRefrainYGou were everything I hAad
UntDil I had everythGing
YGou were everything I wAanted
But now I want hDimChorusBut that SeptDember
Will stay just where it Bmis
Gotta stop aiming for "forGever"
Gotta put an end to thAis
That SeptDember
I've never known love like Bmit
But we could never be togGether
And you could never love like thAisVerse 3It fGelt so soft when it stAarted off
But the vDiew from your window chaGnged
By the rGiverside into driAer eyes
You toDld me I'm the one to blGamePre-ChorusI kGnow now that you were riAght
When you let me kDnow that I had chaGnged
I know nGow that it was wrAong in the first plDaceChorusBut that SeptDember
Will stay just where it Bmis
Gotta stop aiming for "forGever"
Gotta put an end to thAis
That SeptDember
I've never known love like Bmit
But we could never be togGether
And you could never love like thAisBridgeOn the wEalk back up to land
You'll find GGod in every man
And I swDore I saw him stF#manding at the bGar
I don't thEink that I believe it anymGoreChorusBut that SeptDember
Will stay just where it Bmis
Gotta stop aiming for "forGever"
Gotta put an end to thAis
That SeptDember
I've never known love like Bmit
But we could never be togGether
And you could never love like thAis

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