Juan Karlos Labajo - Bless U Chords

When did juan karlos release BLESS Ü?

BLESS Ü was released on 2020-07-24

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

I actually think that this song is really good. Even the music behind it is awesome.

something here
VerseAmaj7oh honey Dmaj7God bless you
I Amaj7hope you surDmaj7vive
I Amaj7know you got a Dmaj7lot of problems Amaj7baby that’s Bmlife
Amaj7We all go thDmaj7ru lots of s***
but Amaj7just hold on Dmaj7tight
For Amaj7in the end of Dmaj7every tunnel Amaj7baby there’s Bmlight
No, Amaj7darkness is Dmaj7light
papara Amaj7para para pa pa Dmaj7pum
papara Amaj7para para pa pa Dmaj7pum
papara Amaj7para para pa pa Dmaj7pum
papara Amaj7pum pum pum Bmpum
papara Amaj7para para pa pa Dmaj7pum
papara Amaj7para para pa pa Dmaj7pum
papara Amaj7para para pa pa Dmaj7pum
papara Amaj7pum pum pum BmpumVerse 2Amaj7Life sometimes is Dmaj7so unfair
but Amaj7don’t you give Dmaj7up
‘Coz there’s Amaj7good and bad, haDmaj7ppy and sad, Amaj7hate, there is Bmlove
Amaj7Know that you Dmaj7are not alone
Amaj7for someone Dmaj7cares
Just Amaj7call my name, jusDmaj7t call my name baby and Amaj7soon i’ll be Bmthere
Oh Amaj7soon i’ll be Dmaj7thereBridgeBm On the way to know what’s coming
C#m let’s forgive the ones who did you wrong
Bm for that person
lacks the wonder of love
C#m And when you lack of love, you should learn how to get it
Dmaj7 For we all breathe the same air
E Better than stay there than turn to dust
F For there were moment from the same story
Cmaj7 and in that same story turns into life
A for we all swim in the same ocean
G the same ocean that turns blue
F we should all love each other baby
for Elove was made for me and you.E7.
OutroHoney Dmaj7God Bless you
Honey BmGod Bless you
Honey F#mGod Bless you
Honey EGod Bless you
Honey Dmaj7God Bless you
Honey BmGod Bless you
Honey F#mGod Bless you
Honey EGod Bless you
Honey Dmaj7God Bless you
Honey BmGod Bless you
Honey F#mGod Bless you
Honey EGod Bless you
Honey Amaj7God Bless Dmaj7you
Honey Amaj7God Bless Dmaj7you
Honey Amaj7God Bless Dmaj7you
Honey Amaj7God Bless Dmaj7you

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