J Heller - Be Thou My Vision Chords

When did JJ Heller release Be Thou My Vision?

Be Thou My Vision was released on 2023-09-08

Capo: 4th Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

Be Thou My Vision Chords

something here

IntroG....C.Verse 1GBe Thou my vision, O LCord of my heGart
NaDught be all else to me, sCave that Thou aDrt
TChou my best thoGught, by Emday or by nCight
WGaking or sleCeping, Thy preDsence my lGightInterludeG...C.Verse 2GBe Thou my wisdom and ThCou my true wGord
DI ever with Thee and ThCou with me, LGord
TChou my great FEmather and BmI Thy true sCon
TGhou in me dwCelling and DI with Thee oGneInterludeG....C.Verse 3RGiches I heed not, nor maCn's empty prGaise
TDhou mine inheritance, nCow and alBmways
TChou and Thou oEmnly, fiGrst in my hAmeart
HGigh King of HEmeaven, my treCasure Thou AmartInstrumentalAm.....Bm.....C....D.
Am.....Bm.....C....D.Verse 4HGigh King of Heaven, my vCictory wGon
MDay I reach Heaven’s joys, CO bright Heaven's sDun
HeCart of my Emown heart, whaBmt?ver beAmfall
StEmill be my vCision, O ruler oDf aGll
HeCart of my oEmwn heart, whatBmever befCall
StGill be my viCsion, O ruler oDf alGl

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