Elias Dummer - We're Here Because You're Here Chords

When did Elias Dummer release We're Here Because You're Here?

We're Here Because You're Here was released on 2022-07-29

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here

IntroAm.....F...C....G....Em..Verse 1Help us not pretFend it’s easCy,
We’re just fGine and so hAmappy
This is why we’re heFre
We’re all hCurting, we’re tGrying, we’re nAmeedy
If we’re gonna PFray, SiGng, PrAmeach
Through it aFll Gwe nAmeed YBmouChorusAm We’re hereF because we kCnow you’re herEme
Because you’re aAmlways neaFr
When we areC hereEm
Am We loveF because we kCnow your lovEme
Because you Amalways lovFe
When we are heCre..Em..Verse 2There’s something in the aiFr - feels like heCaven
When we meGet you here toAmgether
GThis is why we’re hFere - we’re nCeeded
There’s a sGeat saved at the TAmable
You’re calling us to
TFaste aGnd sAmee
Through it aFll wGe nAmeed yBmouChorusAm We’re hereF because we kCnow you’re herEme
Because you’re aAmlways neaFr
When we areC hereEm
Am We loveF because we kCnow your lovEme
Because you Amalways lovFed
When we are heCre..Em.....F.BridgeWithoGut yAmou it’s smoke and mCirrors
Without yoGu it’s only nFoise
But wGith Amyou it’s holy wConder
ResurrGection power and jFoy
WitGhout yAmou its on our sChoulders
Without yEmou it’s bound to fFail
But wGith yAmou the weBmak and wCeary
Shake the vGery gates of hFell.G....Am.....Bm.....C....Dm..ChorusAm We’re hereF because we kCnow you’re herEme
Because you’re aAmlways neaFr
When we areC hereEm
Am We loveF because we kCnow your lovEme
Because you Amalways lovFed
When we are heCre..Em.....F.

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