Camden Cox - Over Chords

  • Artist: Camden Cox
  • Song: Over
  • Album: Over
  • Release Date: 2022-01-14
  • Genre: stutter house
  • Key: C Minor
  • Tempo: 123
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 0
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to Camden Cox - Over Chords on Spotify

When did Camden Cox release Over?

Over was released on 2022-01-14

Capo: 1st fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1You're not crDazy 'bout me lBmike you weAre.E
Another loDve that won't surBmvive when it huArtsPre-ChorusWe gotta keEep our hDands off one anBmotherA
You gotta lEove me, leDave me to reBmcover.A
Chorus'Cause it ain't oEver.D
Ain't oBmver 'til you're gAone
There ain't no clEosuDre
UBmntil the tears can rAun
But EI can't cry aloDud
When your tBmouch is still arAound
So it ain't ovEer.D
Ain't oBmver 'til you're goAneVerse 2ESometimes loDvers have to bBmreak apAart
EDon't give me faDlse hope just to Bmsave a hAeart
Pre-ChorusWe gotta keEep our hDands off one anBmotherA
You gotta lEove me, leDave me to reBmcover.A
Chorus'Cause it ain't oEver.D
Ain't oBmver 'til you're gAone
There ain't no clEosuDre
UBmntil the tears can rAun
But EI can't cry aloDud
When your tBmouch is still arAound
So it ain't ovEer.D
Ain't oBmver 'til you're goAnePost-ChorusWe're stEuck in rotDation
So kBmiss me one more tiAme
'Cause, hEoney, you
Yeah, oDnly you
Can sBmave me one more niAght
But it ain't ovEer.D
Ain't oBmver 'til you're goAne
There ain't no cElosuDre
UnBmtil the tears can rAun

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