VerseFrDont seat of my bEmrother's car
Bm13 with a rebel heart
DSo afraid I've lEmost my sense of hBmumor
BDurnt CD's stuck Emon repeat
CBmigarette ash in the back seat
When grDowing up seEmemed like such a rBmumorPre-ChorusI was anGxious I was nervous
I was scEmratching at the surface
I was youGnger then I'd ever be
And oEmlder than I wasChorusI was coDming of aEmgeBm
VerseTDantrums through and Emon the wheel
BmSwore this love was something real
TDruly thought that Emwe would ask foreBmver
But Dhe would cheat andEm I would leave
And wBme'd become a memory
I'd mDove away befEmore the end of sBmummerPre-ChorusI was anGxious I was nervous
I was scEmratching at the surface
I was youGnger then I'd ever be
And oEmlder than I wasChorusI was coDming of EmageBm
CoDming of age cEmoming of Bmage
I was coDming of EmageBm
ChorusI was coDming of aEmgeBm
CDoming of age cEmoming of age cBmoming of age
I was cDoming of aEmge,Bm
CDoming of age cEmoming of age coBmming of age
To evDerythEmingBm
OutroSDcissors in the kEmitchen drawer
We'd Bmcut our hair when we got bored
AfrDaid of romantic.Emwould smoBmther out the fire
BDack and forth and Emin-between
My tBmroubled heart is evergreen
DAt the end of iEmnnocence I thBmought I'd be wiser