Alice Merton - Breathe In Breathe Out Chords

When did Alice Merton release Breathe In, Breathe Out?

Breathe In, Breathe Out was released on 2022-06-17

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here

IntroGm.......Verse 1GmBreathe in, breathe out
You're here in the right now
And thGmere's no reason
When it gets so loud
So breathe in and breathe outChorusTrust meGm
I just knGmow...D/F#.......F.
C I just knGmow
D/F# I just knowF....C.Verse 2GmTime D/F#in and tFime oCut
You Gmget lD/F#ost and you gFet doCwn
And I'Gmll do .D/F#..
And stFare at your hCead
GmTime D/F#in and tFime oCutChorusTrust meGm.....D/F#....
I just knFow..C.
I just knGmow
D/F# I just knowF....C.BridgeSo brGmeatheD/F# in and breFathe oCut
YGmou're D/F#here in the riFght nCow
And tGmhere's no rD/F#eason
When iFt gets so loCud
So bGmreathD/F#e in and br?Fathe oCutChorusTrust meGm.....D/F#....
I just knFow..C.
Trust meGm.....D/F#....
I just knFow..C.
I just knGmow...D/F#.......F....C.

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