Verse IThere was a tBmime, I used to lAook into my father's eyGes
AIn a happy hBmome, I was a kAing I had a gold throGne
AThose days are gBmone, now the mAemories are on the walGl
AI hear the soBmngs from the plAaces where I was bGornA.
ChorusBmUp on the hAill across the blue laGke,
that's where I hAad my first heart breBmak
I still remAember how it all chGanged
Amy father saBmid
Don't you wAorry, don't you worry chiGld
See heAaven's got a plan for yoBmu
Don't you wAorry, don't you worry noGw
AYeah!Bm(Aohh's and Gahh's)A
BmDon't you wAorry, don't you worry nGow
Verse IIAThere was a tBmime, I met a gAirl of a different kinGd
AWe ruled the woBmrld,
I thought I'll nAever lose her out of siGght,
Awe were so yBmoung
I think of hAer now and theGn
AStill hear the sBmongs remAinding me of a frGiendA.
ChorusBmUp on the hAill across the blue laGke,
that's where I hAad my first heart breBmak
I still remAember how it all chGanged
Amy father saBmid
Don't you wAorry, don't you worry chiGld
See heAaven's got a plan for yoBmu
Don't you wAorry, don't you worry noGw
AYeah!Bm(Aohh's and Gahh's)A
BmDon't you wAorry, don't you worry nGowA.