Verse ICI
I'll take this Cmoment
to Cmake up my mind and deCcide
if CI
want to stay Cbroken
or Cleave all this feelings beAmhind.FG.
my eyes are Copen
so CI can't deCny
say goodCbye
to all this coCmmotion
to Ctry and find your way so you can Amshine.FG.
ChorusC I'll stand unbroken
C my eyes are openAm
my Fgreat aGwakeCning
the Ctruth is spokenC
my eyes are openAm
to this Fgreat aGwakeCningVerse IICI
CI can feel the changes
it's Chow I want to be
and Cnow
I gotta keep it Cmoving
if CI really want to be Amfree.FG.
CI still life will Cfollow
Ceven if there's no one else but Cme
so let's Clive
like there's no toCmorrow
and Clove like if everyone beAmlievesFG.
ChorusC I'll stand unbroken
C my eyes are openAm
my Fgreat aGwakeCning
the Ctruth is spokenC
my eyes are openAm
to this Fgreat aGwakeCningBridgeCMy eyes are open
and Cnow I can see
Cevery thing before me
are Cright where I should CbeChorusC I'll stand unbroken
C my eyes are openAm
my Fgreat aGwakeCning
the Ctruth is spokenC
my eyes are openAm
to this Fgreat aGwakeCning