Miley Cyrus - The Floyd Song (Sunrise) Chords

When did Miley Cyrus release The Floyd Song (Sunrise)?

The Floyd Song (Sunrise) was released on 2015-08-30

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
ChorusThe Esunlight insists on F#mgladness
But G#mhow can I be glad now my Aflower is Bdead
Oh, Eson, I see you F#mhappy
You G#mmade the morning dew
Now you're Bshowing me the truth
I don't want to beElieve youVerse IThe C#mnight has the ApowerG#m
To C#mhold all your hAelplessness G#min
your C#mblindAG#m
The C#mdarkness is Asadness
G#mHold to each other 'til C#mtomorrowAG#mE.
ChorusThe Esunlight insists on F#mgladness
But G#mhow can I be glad now my Aflower is Bdead
Oh, Eson, I see you F#mhappy
You G#mmade the morning dew
Now you're Bshowing me the truth
I don't want to beElieve youVerse II C#mDeath, take me wiAth youG#m
C#mI don't wanna Alive without myG#m flower
C#mTomorrow,A toG#mmorrow
The C#mtime that it Atakes for G#mlove to effect a person
C#mSo deepA,G#m
C#mso deepAG#m
C#mso deepAG#mE.

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