Kelly Clarkson - Piece By Piece Chords

  • Artist: Kelly Clarkson
  • Song: Piece by Piece - Idol Version
  • Album: Piece By Piece (Deluxe Version)
  • Release Date: 2016-03-04
  • Genre: dance pop, pop, talent show
  • Key: C#/Db Major
  • Tempo: 109
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 1
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to Kelly Clarkson - Piece By Piece Chords on Spotify

When did Kelly Clarkson release Piece by Piece - Idol Version?

Piece by Piece - Idol Version was released on 2016-03-04

Capo: 1st fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse IAm And all I remeFmber is your baCck
AmWalking towards the airport Fleaving us all in yourC past
I travelled Gfifteen-hundred Ammiles to see youF
G Begged you to wAmant me
But you didn't Fwant to (ahh)ChorusBut Cpiece by piece you collected me
Up Goff the ground but you abandoned things
And Ampiece by piece you filled the holes that you Fburned in me
At six years old and no
C He never walks away
He never asks for money
G He takes care of me
He loves me
AmPiece by piece
He restored my faith
That a Fman can be kind
And a father could sCtayVerse IIAm And all of your Fwords fall flCat
I made Amsomething of myself and noFw you wanna come backC
But Gyour love isn't Amfree
It has to be Fearned
Back Gthen I didn't have anyAmthing you needed
So I wasF.worthless (ahh)
ChorusBut Cpiece by piece you collected me
Up Goff the ground but you abandoned things
And Ampiece by piece you filled the holes that you Fburned in me
At six years old and no
C He never walks away
He never asks for money
G He takes care of me
He loves me
AmPiece by piece
He restored my faith
That a Fman can be kind
And a father could stayC
Piece by pieceG.
Piece by pieceAm
Piece by pieceF.
Piece by pieceCGAmF.
Chorus IICPiece by piece I fell far from the tree
I would Gnever leave her like you left me and
AmShe will never have to wonder her worth
Because Funlike you I'm gonna put her first (And you know)
C He'll never walk away
He'll never break her heart
G He'll take care of things
He'll love her
AmPiece by piece
He restored my faith
That a Fman can be kind
And a father should be greatC
Piece by pieceG.
Piece by pieceAm
Piece by pieceF.

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