Verse IIt's the Chardest thing I've ever had to doF
To Amtry and keep from calling you.F.
Well, Ccan my dreams keep coming true?F
How Amcan they? Cause when I sleep I Fnever dream of youPre-Chorus As if the Fdream of you, Git sleeps too
But it Emnever slips awaFy
It just Fgains its strength and Gdigs its hooks
To Emdrag me through the daFyChorusAnd I'm AmcauB/CCEmghFt
FI forget all that I've been AmtauB/CCEmghFt
FI can't keep calm, I can't keep sAmtiB/CCEmlFl
FPulled apart against my AmwiB/CCEmlFl
Verse IIIt's the Chardest thing I've ever had to proFve
You Amturn to salt as I turned around to Flook at you
Old friCends have said, the books I've read
Say Fit's the thing to do
But it's Amhard to see it when you're in it
Cause FI went blind for youPre-Chorus IIThen you Fleave my head, and crawl Gout the bed
SubEmconscious let it sFlips
And Ffor those hours deep Gin the dark
PerEmhaps you don't eFxistChorusAnd I'm AmcaughFt
FI forget all that I've been AmtaughFt
FI can't keep calm, I can't keep sAmti--lFl
FPulled apart against my Amwi--lFlBridgeAnd I was Dmthrashing on the lineC
EmF.Somewhere between
DmDesperate and diCvine
EmF.I can't keep calm, I can't keep sDmtillCEmF.
Persephone will have Dmher fillCEmF.
ChorusAnd I'm CcaughFt
Em I forget Fall that I've been CtaughFt
Em I can't keep Fcalm, I can't keep CstilFl
Em Pulled aFpart against my CwilFlEmF.