Backstreet Boys - In A World Like This Chords

When did Backstreet Boys release In a World Like This?

In a World Like This was released on 2013-07-30

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse IG You've got me C9wide Gopen, C9wide Gopen
Now Dsus4I'm yours
G You found me C9heartGbroken, C9heartGbroken
On thDsus4e floor
G Became my C9sal--Gvation, C9sal--Gvation
ThrDsus4ough the war, yeah
G You got me Cwide Gopen, Cwide Gopen
Now Dsus4I'm yoursChorusC In a world like this where some back Emdown
I, I, knoGw we're gonna Dmake it
C In a time like this where love comes 'Emround
I, I, knoGw we gotta Dtake it
C In a world like Dthis where people Emfa-----Gall apart
C In a time like Dthis where nothing Emco-----omGes from the heart
C In a world like Dthis, I've got youVerse IIG And now I'm C9free Gfalling, C9free Gfalling
In Dsus4your eyes
G You got me C9still Gcalling, C9still Gcalling
No suDsus4rprise
G I never C9knew GI could C9love 'Gtil the
EnDsus4d of time, yeah
G And now I'm C9free Gfalling, C9free Gfalling
By Dsus4your sideChorusC In a world like this where some back Emdown
I, I, knoGw we're gonna Dmake it
C In a time like this where love comes 'Emround
I, I, knoGw we gotta Dtake it
C In a world like Dthis where people Emfa-----Gall apart
C In a time like Dthis where nothing Emco-----omGes from the heart
C In a world like Dthis, I've got you
GC9Ah, Gyeah
C9Ah, GIn a world like Dsus4this
CYou got me Emwide open, wide open, yCeah
And now I'm Emfree falling, Dfree falling
CHey, Dyeah, Emyeah
GYeah yeah yeah
C In a world like,D in a world like
'Cause I gEmot you.Gin a world like this
C In a world like this where some back Emdown
I, I, knoGw we're gonna Dmake it
C In a time like this where love comes 'Emround
I, I, knoGw we gotta Dtake it
C In a world like Dthis where people Emfa-----Gall apart
C In a time like Dthis where nothing Emco-----omGes from the heart
C In a world like Dthis, I've got you

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