YOASOBI - The Swallow Chords

  • Artist: YOASOBI
  • Song: The Swallow (feat. Midories)
  • Album: E-SIDE 2
  • Release Date: 2022-11-18
  • Genre: j-pop, japanese teen pop
  • Key: F Minor
  • Tempo: 105
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 0
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to YOASOBI - The Swallow Chords on Spotify

When did YOASOBI release The Swallow (feat. Midories)?

The Swallow (feat. Midories) was released on 2022-11-18

Capo: 1st fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here

IntroB7...Verse 1Here I make nGew meaning oAver these waF#mters..Bm..
Consumed aGnd, cut the cF#7lear wind as I sBmoar..Am7...
To fD7lap all wiGngs as faAst as I can F#mtake
To Bmmy city there, lGet's go.A..
Soon, beyond thDis oceanVerse 2Yes, I'm a smGall little swaAllow
ArriF#mving.Bm....upon a cEm7ity
There is sF#7omething that I sDaw..D7..
That's full of joGy, I heAar a few voF#mices
And sBmounds of worry Em7and sorrAow of other friDends' voicesPre-ChorusWe all have mGany different waAys to be lF#miving lives we B7are in
WGanting to just proF#7tect witBmhout a time of nAm7oti--cD7ing
GWhy are we inflAicting this F#mpain on one anBmother
Em7Under the same sAky w? live iDnChorusBrought to the woGrld
Every taAll and small and F#mall
Many lBmives of color vEm7ariety,F#7....together, Bmwe keep livAm7ing
With eD7veryoGne, we peoAple and all the pF#mlants, every bBmird and flower
SEm7houlder to shouldAer just look aroDund.D7....Post-ChorusBut in the wGorld
Things we're aAlways reaching F#mfor
And the Bmnew futures we're lEm7ooking F#7for are all such dBmifferent tAm7ones
If wD7e're aGble to keep goAing hand in F#mhand
We will be laBmughing Em7and living togAether with a smDile
I'm tD7hinking of whGat I can do to mAake it better nGowInstrumentalG....A....F#m......Bm.....G....F#7......Bm.....Am7......D7..
G....A....F#m......Bm.....Em7......A....D.Verse 3Back on the oGther side of foArtune that's tF#maken up by sB7omebody
FrGiends have lost loF#7cations
A pBmlace to live and cAm7ome home D7to
OGnly thing he waAnted was F#mto harmoniBmously
Be lEm7iving here togAether and just DbeD7....Verse 4Could not sGee anythiAng, overF#mtaken by sorBmrow
Shadows aGlmost here to sF#7tain darker cBmolors in my sAm7oul
WD7hen you stGart to forgAive, and aF#mccept our differeBmnces
We beGgin to make connAection once agDainChorusWhat could it Gbe that we cAan be doing F#mnow
Even Bmif we couldn't chEm7ange it F#7all by doing eBmverything we Am7can
Let D7it be knoGwn, to somebAody's day, go F#mon
Bring a lBmittle bit of vEm7ibrancy in coAlor to their woDrld..D7...Post-ChorusWe know it's fGar from a preAcious stone so bF#mright.Bm...
It's nothing lEm7ike any fF#7ine sheet of gBmold
But jAm7ust as hD7ow we sGee, if wAe could make our wF#morld
Start oBmverflowing wEm7ith a subtle liAttle piece of loDve
Take nD7otice what surroGunds, some chaAnges you will F#7see
UnBmder the same Em7sky we live in, oAne day it'll shDow
So gD7oes the story oGf small and lAittle me holding a big drGeamOutroG....A....F#m......Bm.....Em7......A....D.

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