Verse 1GTell me, wCmill you lG#eave me lD#onely?
A#On and on and on I know you tCmold me
The Gmost important reason why
You'll cAmolor in as mBmany lines as I nCeed you
GTell me, wCmhen we hG#ave no mD#oney
And the sA#irens start their calling, you say
SG#low down, F#slow down
Come onA, slow dEownChorusBut this Fparanoia pAmurple turns to Egreen
And nothFing is aAms simple as itE seems
What's Fhappening Amto me?Verse 2GSay now, wCmhen my G#life is oD#ver
Will you fA#ind somebody good enough to hCmold ya?
GSomeone like my Abigail
To tAmell you all is gBmood and well like Cme now
GSay now, I fCmeel my G#color shD#ow how
I tA#hink it's almost time for me G#to go now
F#Go now, Ago nEowChorusBut this pFaranoia Ampurple turns to gEray
And aFll that's good and Amwell, it Emelts away
UntFil we meet agAmainInterludeFA.
BridgeWoah, Dmah-ah-A#ah
FHow could CI forgDmet yA#ou?
I sFtill can't figure it Cout
DmA#It's two years, mom
I sFtill can't figure it Cout
DmWoo,A# ooh
FOh, hCow could I forDmget about you nA#ow? (How could I forget about you now?)
FTell me, Chow could I forDmget about you nA#ow? (How could I forget about you now?)
FNow, nCow
DmHow couldA# I, yeah, fFor-forgCet about you?
DmIA# stilFl can't figure you oCut
OutroHope you're having fun, and I hope you're singing away
You're my little joy, you're my little star
I love you, bye
Love, mama