Verse 1Walking in these hallowed haEmllways
C Bearded mDasters on the wGall
Em Winning oBne more shiny mEmedalA
C I can still hear the applBause
I won it all many times EmoverC
But I'm stDill unsatisfiGed
Em Yes, it fBeels like something's EmmissiAng
C If there's no one by my siBdeChorusWhat's the good of being gCood
When there's no oAmne who wDill apprGeciate
And so you mEmight as wDell accCept the fact
You're gonna fAminish lastD, you're gonna fiGnish last
(What's the good of being good?)Verse 2No loving wife to smile Emat me
C No daughter Dto dote on with pGride
Em'Til the dBay I give her aGway.AC.
With a teardrop in my Beye
No clever son to learn my tEmeaching
C And to tDry his very bGest
EmTo be grBateful for my sEmola--Gce
When he cannot pass the tBestChorusWhat's the good of being gCood
When there's no oAmne who wDill apprGeciate
And so you mEmight as wDell accCept the fact
You're gonna fAminish lastD, you're gonna fiGnish last
(What's the good of being good?)FG.
BridgeTCell me what's the gAmood of bGeing goFod
When your best fDmriend stabs your bGack
And he lEmies to the peAople and dFrags your good nGame
Through the mAmud
Could you tCell me what's the Amgood of beGing gFood
When your best frDmiend steals your wGoman and dEmown on the Amcushion
He dFrags your good nGame through the mAmudChorusWhat's the good of being gCood
When there's no oAmne who wDill apprGeciate
And so you mEmight as wDell accCept the fact
You're gonna fAminish lastD, you're gonna fiGnish last
(What's the good of being good?)OutroC(WhaAmt's tGhe gDood Gof being good?)