Verse 1AmWe were wGalking, arm in aFrm through BarcelCona
AmThere we people singing oGpera in the streFets.C.
AmAnd I kGissed you by the foFuntain in the squCare
AmA part of my heGart will always bFe there.C.
ChorusFJust wanted yGou to know
The tDmimes I feel hFelpless
NCothing but dGark skies
On the nDmights that seem eFndless
YCou are like dGaylight, babeDmF.
Post-Chorus(Oh) YCou are like dGaylight, baDmbeF.
(Oh) YCou are my dGaylightVerse 2AmWe were wGatching as the wFaves came rolling iCn
AmYou saGid you were happy hFere<Cbr/>
AmYou were wGondering if we'd mFet when were kCids
AmAnd I thGink that we would've beenF friends.C
ChorusFWell, of coGurse, I do
The tDmimes I feel hFelpless
NCothing but dGark skies
On the nDmights that seem eFndless
YCou are like dGaylight, babeDmF.
Post-Chorus(Oh) YCou are like dGaylight, baDmbeF.
(Oh) YCou are my dGaylightInterludeFGFG
ChorusFGJust wanted yFou to know.G
The tDmimes I feel hFelpless
NCothing but dGark skies
On the nDmights that seem eFndless
YCou are like dGaylight
You're the oDmne that can reFach me
When you loCok into mGy eyes
No matter hDmow lost I mFight be
YCou are like dGaylight, babe.DmF.
Post-Chorus(Oh) YCou are like dGaylight, baDmbeF
(Oh) YCou are my dGaylight