The Franklin Electric - Understand It Chords

When did The Franklin Electric release Understand It?

Understand It was released on 2021-09-24

Capo: none
G / 320003
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

Start in the D chord by plucking the bass note using your thumb first and following by the index finger in G string, middle finger in the B string, and ring finger in the high E string repeatedly.

something here
VerseDI don't understand what they are saying
I’m sAick and tired trying to make it out
I've been bGusy all this time turning circles in my mind
Trying to fiDgure it out
I dDon't know why but lately I’ve been fading
As i wAalk around the neighborhoods that i know
Past the tGower of my faith like I’m I’m picking up the pace
I've been chDasing someone that I used to knowChorusAnd GiBmDno Di don't undersAtand it anymGore
And iGBmDno Di don't understAand it anymoGre
VerseIt was thrDown away like money and it cost you
You grew sAick and tired of trying to make ends meet
You were foGcused on the wrong things
Barking up the wrong tree now
As you lDook back on the origin of your hope
It's not aDlways the way and you can change it
Taking chAances on what you've been looking for
Wish somebGody else might tell you what we both already know
In a woDrld where they all turn the other cheekChorusAnd GiBmDno Di don't undersAtand it anymGore
And iGBmDno Di don't understAand it anymoGre
No Di can't understAand anymoGreInstrumentalEmDA
Is it sEmafe to sBmayA
VerseDI don't understand the games you're playing
I’m sAick n tired of trying to play along
Trying to mGake sense of the riddles I’ve been over upside down
Has anyDone else figured it outChorusGIBmD no DI don't undersAtand it anymGore
GIBmD no DI don't undersAtand it anymGore
No Di can't understAand anymoGre
No DI don't understAand it anymGore

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