Verse 1C I remember your bAmare feet, down the hFallway
I remember your little laCugh
Race cars on the kAmitchen floor, plastic Fdinosaurs
I love you to the moon and bCack.AmF.
C I remember your bAmlue eyes looking inFto mine
Like we hGad our own secret clCub
I remember you dAmancing before bFedtime
Then jGumping on me, waking me uCp
I can still feel you hAmold my hand, lFittle man
And Geven the moment I kCnew
You fought it hard like an Amarmy guy
Remember FI leaned in and wGhispered to you
ChorusF "Come on, baby, with Gme
We're going to fly awCay from herFe
You were my best four yeCars".AmF.
Verse 2C I remember the dAmrive home
When the bFlind hope turned to cGrying and screaming, "WChy?"
Flowers pile up in the wAmorst way, no one knows what to sFay
About a bGeautiful boy who dCied
And it's about to be AmHalloween
You could be aFnything you wGanted if you were still hCere
I remember the lAmast day, when I kFissed your face
And wGhispered in your earChorusF "Come on, baby, with Gme
We're going to fly awCay from herFe
Out of this curtained rGoom and this hospital grCay, we'll just disappeaFr
F "Come on, baby, with Gme
We're going to fly awCay from herFe
You were my bGest four yeaCrs"AmFGCAmFG.
BridgeWhat if I'm sFtanding in your cAmloset trying to tGalk to you?
And what if IF kept the hand-me-doEmwns you won't grow intGo?
And what if I rFeally thought some Emmiracle would sGee us through?
What if the Fmiracle was Emeven getting oGne moment with you?ChorusF "Come on, baby, with Gme
We're going to fly awCay from herFeGC.
F "Come on, baby, with Gme
We're going to fly awCay from herFe
You were my best four yeCarsAmFG.
OutroC I remember your bAmare feet, down the hFallway
I lGove you to the moon and back