Verse 13 ACM and I'm sG/Btill awake, I'll Ambet you're just fGine
Fast asleFep in your city that's bGetter than mine
And the gCirl in your G/Bbed has a fAmine pedigrGee
And I'll bFet your friends tell you she's bGetter than me, huhIntroCG/BAmGFG.
Verse 2Well, I trCied to fitG/B in with your uAmpper-crust cGircles
Yeah, they lFet me sit in back when wGe were in love
Oh, they sCit around tG/Balkin' about the mAmeaning of lGife
And the bFook that just saved 'em that I hGadn't heard ofChorusBut nFow that we're done and it's oCver
FI bet you couldn't belCieve
When you rAmealized I'm harder to forget than I was to lGeave
And I bet you think about CmeG/BAmGFG.
Verse 3You grew Cup in a sG/Bilver-spoon gAmated commGunity
GlFamorous, shiny, bright BeGverly Hills
I was raCised on a fG/Barm, no, it wAmasn't a mGansion
Just lFivin' room dancin' and kGitchen table billsVerse 4But you kCnow what they G/Bsay, you can't hAmelp who you faGll for
And yFou and I fell like an eGarly spring snow
But reCality G/Bcrept in, you sAmaid we're too dGifferent
You lFaughed at my dreams, rolled your eGyes at my jokesChorusFMr. Superior ThCinkin'
Do you hFave all the space that you nCeed?
I don't hAmave to be your shrink to know that you'll never be hGappy
And I bet you think about CmeG/BAmGF.
Post-ChorusGI bet you think about Cme,G/B yes
AmI bGet you thFink about meG
BridgeFOh, blCock it all out
The vGoices so loud, sayin'
"AmWhy did you lGet her gFo?"
Does it maCke you feel sad
That the lGove that you're lookin' for
Is the love that you hFad?Verse 5Now you're oCut in the G/Bworld, seAmarchin' for your sGoul
Scared nFot to be hip, scGared to get old
Chasing mCake-believe sG/Btatus, last tAmime you felt fGree
Was when nFone of that **** mattered 'cause yGou were with meChorusBut nFow that we're done and it's ovCer
FI bet it's hard to belCieve
That it tuAmrned out I'm harder to forget than I was to leGave
And, yeah, I bet you think about CmeG/BAmGF.
Post-ChorusGI bet you think about Cme,G/B yes
AmI bGet you thFink about me
OutroGI bet you think about Cme when you're G/Bout
At your cAmool indie muGsic conceFrts every week
GI bet you think about mCe in your hG/Bouse
With your oAmrganic shGoes and your miFllion-dollar couch
GI bet you think about Cme when you G/Bsay
"Oh my Amgod, she's insGane, she wrote a sFong about me"
GI bet you think about Cme