Taylor Swift - Champagne Problems Chords

When did Taylor Swift release champagne problems?

champagne problems was released on December 11, 2020

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
IntroCGAmFCGAmFVerse 1CYou booked the night train for a rGeasonSo you could sAmit there in this huFrtCBustling crowds or silent sleGepersYou're nAmot sure which is wForseChorusBecause IC dropped your hand while dancingGLeft you out there standinAmgCrestfallen on the landingChFampagne problemsCYour mom's ring in your pocketGMy picture in your walletAmYour heart was glass, I dropped itChFampagne problemsInterludeCGAmFVerse 2CYou told your family for a reGasonYou cAmouldn't keep it inFCYour sister splashed out on the bGottleNow Amno one's celebraF-tingChorusCDom Pérignon, you brought itGNo crowd of friends applaudedAmYour hometown skeptics called itChFampagne problemsCYou had a speech, you're speechlessGLove slipped beyond your reachesAmAnd I couldn't give a reasonChFampagne problemsInterludeCGAmFCGAmFBridgeCYour Midas touch on the Chevy dooGrNovember flush and your flannel cuAmre"This dorm was once a madhouse"I mFade a joke, "Well, it's made for me"HowCevergreen, our group of friGendsDon't think we'll say that word aAmgainAnd soon they'll have the nerve to Fdeck the hallsThat we once walked throughOCne for the money, two for the showI nGever was ready so I watch you goSometAmimes you just don't know the answer'Til sFomeone's on their knees and asks you"She woCuld've made such a lovely brideWhat a shGame she's ****** in the head," they saidBut yAmou'll find the real thing insteadShe'll paFtch up your tapestry that I shredChorusCAnd hold your hand while dancingGNever leave you standingAmCrestfallen on the landingFWith champagne problemsCYour mom's ring in your pocketGHer picture in your walletAmYou won't remember all myChFampagne problemsOutroCGAmYou won't remember all myChFampagne problemsCGAmF

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