Tangerine Kitty - Dumb Ways To Die Chords

When did Tangerine Kitty release Dumb Ways to Die?

Dumb Ways to Die was released on 2012-11-01

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

*For your info, C is actually a C/G and F a F/G chord

*Play the intro and verse like this

something here

Verse ISet Cfire Fto your ChairF
Poke a Cstick at a Fgrizzly CbearF
Eat CmedicineFs that's Cout of Fdate
Use your Cprivate Fparts as Cpiranha FbaitChorusCDumb C/Bways to Amdie..Em...
so mFany dumb Dmways to GdieG7
CDumb C/Bways to Amdie..Em..
so mFany dumb Gways to CdieVerse IIGet your Ctoast out Fwith a Cfork.F.
Do your Cown elFectrical Cwork.F.
CTeach yourFself how to Cfly.F.
Eat a Ctwo week Fold unrCefrigerated FpieChorusCDumb C/Bways to Amdie..Em..
so mFany dumb Dmways to GdieG7
CDumb C/Bways to Amdie..Em..
so mFany dumb Gways to CdieVerse IIIInvite Ca psycho-killFer insCide.F.
Scratch a Cdrug dealer's Fbrand new Cride.F.
Take your Chelmet Foff Cin outer Fspace
Use your Cclothes dryer Fas a Chiding FplaceChorusCDumb C/Bways to Amdie..Em..
so mFany dumb Dmways to GdieG7
CDumb C/Bways to Amdie..Em..
so mFany dumb Gways to CdieVerse IVKeep a CrattleFsnake as Ca petF
Sell Cboth your kidneys Fon the CinternetF
CEat a Ftube of CsupergFlue
"I wonder what's this red button do?"ChorusCDumb C/Bways to Amdie..Em...
so mFany dumb Dmways to GdieG7
CDumb C/Bways to Amdie..Em..
so mFany dumb Gways to CdieBridgeAmDress up lC/Bike a mCoose during hGunting sFeason.G.
AmDisturb a nC/Best of wCasps for nGo good rFeason
StGand on the edge of a trAmain station platform
DrCive around the boom gates at a leFvel crossing
RGun across the tracks between the pAmlatforms
ThFey may not rhyme but they're quGite possiblyChorusCDumb C/Bways to Amdie..Em..
so mFany dumb Dmways to GdieG7
CDumb C/Bways to Amdie..Em..
so mFany dumb Gways to Cdie

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