Sufjan Stevens - Olympus Chords (Angelo De Augustine)

When did Sufjan Stevens release Olympus?

Olympus was released on 2021-09-24

Capo: 3rd Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse 1EmOh, Glift up your Dhead, Aboy
EmDon’t Gplay pretend Ddead on the Afloor
EmNow HarryGhausen conDceived from a cauAldron
EmWielding OGlympus with Deyes on the shoAreRefrainThere’s EmnothinGg DA
There’s EmnothinGg DA
Verse 2EmOh, Gshow me the Dflow of my Alife
EmBound by AGcrisius Dbronzed from the sAkylight
EmSeeking the Goracle’s Deyes in the Anight with a sigh
EmSeriphos Ggreets us with Dmoments of AsilenceRefrainThere’s EmnothinGgDA
There’s EmnothinGgDA
There’s EmnothinGgDA
There’s EmnothinGgDA
Verse 3EmWho will arGrange my Dgreat esAcape?
EmHopelessly GI have been Dtorn from this Aoutrage
EmTossing and Gturning unDeasy it Acost me the cross
EmAm I at Grest or reDsigned in my Achaos?RefrainThere’s EmnothinGgDA.
There’s EmnothinGgDA.
There’s EmnothinGgDA.
There’s EmnothinGgDA.
CodaThere’s Gsomething
It’s the Dlight on your Ahand
There’s Gsomething
It’s the Dtouch of my Awristband
There’s Gone thing
It’s the Dweight of our Awish
There’s Gone thing
It’s our Dvery first Akiss

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