Verse 1GI met my friend at the pE7ool
He tAmold me things are gFoing well
But Amnot without the nFeed to knock on wCood
We said goodE7bye
After saAmving drowning Fkiller bees
And cAmrying bout how mFuch he loves his wCife.E7AmFAmF.
Verse 2CI told my friend about lE7ast night
RAmisking my relFationships and peAmople I just cFan't resist
And bCad behavior I've been trying to hE7ide
AmSuffocate and drFown
She kAmissed me when I kisFsed her mouth
AAmsking me "do you waFnna skip town" bCut
I never could, bE7abe
You kAmnow that we both mFove too fast
Why wAmould you even aFsk me?ChorusDmI don't really knGow where my heads at
DmI just know my heGarts not there yet
Or mDmaybe I'm just crGazy about the thoCught of thinking FI adore youVerse 3CI met my friend at the pE7ool
She tAmold me she was *F****** up
But I woAmuldn't call her anyFbody's fCool
We said goodE7bye
And Amshe touched down on LoFndon ground
AndAm I went back to trFying to live my liCfeE7AmFAmF.
Verse 4CI saw my late friend lE7ast night
He cAmame to see me iFn a dream
I dAmon't know why he viFsits me
I wCorked all day just let me sleep, aE7lright?
AmTwo shFots in my head
I fAmelt my legs kick iFn my bed
AmI remembered what my maFma had saCid
"Now child"
You never cE7ould, bAmabyChorusDmI don't really knGow where my heads at
DmI just know my heGarts not there yet
Or mDmaybe I'm just waGiting on someCone to wake FmeOutroDmI don't really knGow where my heads at
DmI just know my heGarts not there yet
Or mDmaybe I'm just crGazy
About the thoCught of thinking FI adore you