Still Woozy - Before You Were Mine Chords

  • Artist: Still Woozy
  • Song: Before You Were Mine
  • Album: If This Isn’t Nice, I Don’t Know What Is
  • Release Date: 2021-08-13
  • Genre: bedroom pop, oakland indie, pov: indie
  • Key: A Major
  • Tempo: 92
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Mode: 1
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to Still Woozy - Before You Were Mine Chords on Spotify

When did Still Woozy release Before You Were Mine?

Before You Were Mine was released on 2021-08-13

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

If you listen to the songs's track, in the intro they used a chromatic line from Bm7 passing to the Cm7 to get to the C#m7, It's just a minor thing. Either you can play it like that or not.

Also, after the C#m7 chord in the verse, you can hear like they add an extra note in the Bm7 like (797779) i don't know what to call that chord, or you can use E13 (x76799) instead of that Bm7 with an add note.

something here
Verse 1I waAsn't in this life beBm7fore you were C#m7mineBm7
Now, I took an enAdless route and I crBm7ossed all the lC#m7inesBm7
And now I'm wAide awake tBm7hinking it tC#m7hroughBm7
Would you hAold it and Bm7kiss me too? (No)ChorusI've been hoAping my Bm7best will
C#m7Hoping my Bm7best will define Ame
Hope for the bBm7est, still
C#m7Maybe I shBm7ouldn't hold my AbreBm7ath, ohC#m7 no
Maybe I shBm7ouldn't hold my brAeath.Bm7
C#m7MaybeBm7 I
Verse 2I was a waAste of space bBm7efore you were C#m7mineBm7
Yeah, just thiAnking about myBm7self all the C#m7timeBm7
And now I dAon't even wanna lBm7ook in the mC#m7irrorBm7
I just hoApe you Bm7see me clearChorusI've been hoAping my Bm7best will
C#m7Hoping my Bm7best will define Ame
Hope for the bBm7est, still
C#m7Maybe I shBm7ouldn't hold my AbreBm7ath, ohC#m7 no
Maybe I shBm7ouldn't hold my breAathBm7
C#m7I know I shBm7ouldn't hold my brAeathInterludeABm7C#m7Bm7
BridgeOh, I've been
AHopin' that my Bm7luck don't fail me now
C#m7Hopin' that she wouBm7ldn't throw in the toAwel
Hopeful, I got a sBm7hot, but still (Damnit)ChorusMaybe I shouldn't hold my bAreBm7ath, oh C#m7no
Maybe I shBm7ouldn't hold my brAeath.Bm7
C#m7I know I shBm7ouldn't hold my brAeathOutroABm7C#m7Bm7
ABm7(C#m7Yeah yBm7eah)A

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