Snow Patrol - Set Fire To The Third Bar Chords

  • Artist: Snow Patrol
  • Song: Set The Fire To The Third Bar
  • Album: Eyes Open
  • Release Date: 2006-01-01
  • Genre: irish rock, modern rock, neo mellow, permanent wave, pop rock
  • Key:
  • Tempo:
  • Time Signature: /4
  • Mode: 2
  • Recommended Tuning: EADGBe (Guitar)
  • Recommended Tuning: GCEA (Ukulele)
  • Listen to Snow Patrol - Set Fire To The Third Bar Chords on Spotify

When did Snow Patrol release Set The Fire To The Third Bar?

Set The Fire To The Third Bar was released on 2006-01-01

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse IBm I find the mAap and draw a sGtraight line
Bm Over rAivers, farms, and sGtate lines
Bm The distance frAom 'A' to where Gyou'd 'be'
Bm It's only fAinger-lengths that GI see
Bm I touch the pAlaceG.
Bm where I'd find your fAaceG.
Bm My fingers inAcreasGes
Bm of distant dark pAlacGesVerse IIBm I hang my coAat up in the fGirst bar
Bm There is no peAace that I've foundG so far
Bm The laughter pAenetrates my Gsilence
Bm As drunken mAen find flaws in Gscience
Bm Their words mostly AnoisGes
Bm Ghosts with just AvoicGes
Bm Your words in my AmemoGry
Bm Are like music Ato mGeChorusBm I'm miles from Dwhere you are,
IA lay down on theG cold ground, I,
Bm I pray that something Dpicks me up
AndA sets me down in yourC warm armsC*
Verse IIIBm After AI have traveled Gso far
Bm We'd set the fAire to the tGhird bar
Bm We'd share each Aother like an Gisland
Bm Until exhaAusted, close our Geyelids
Bm And dreaming, pick Aup fromG
Bm The last place we Aleft oGff
Bm Your soft skin is AweepGing
Bm A joy you can't Akeep iGnChorusBm I'm miles from Dwhere you are,
IA lay down on theG cold ground, and I,
Bm I pray that something Dpicks me up
AndA sets me down in yourC warm arms
Bm I'm miles from Dwhere you are,
IA lay down on theG cold ground, and I,
Bm I pray that something Dpicks me up
AndA sets me down in yourC warm armsC*

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