Verse 1FGalling on myBmself, am I gAood enough?
I didn't waGnna take the bBmlame for yAou
BGroken down, tBmold you it was gAetting old
You never waGnna act your Bmage, do yAou?
IG'm learning lBmessons that?yAou?didn't?wanna
CleGanin' the mBmess?that sAomebody gave?you
But tGhere comes a tBmime when
DraAwing a line is the bGest thing I can Bmdo for yAouChorusGI dBmid, AI did the best I cGanBmAD.
Oh, GI dBmid, AI did the best I cGanBmAD.
Verse 2HGard to know yourBmself at all when yAou get off
AnyGtime you've ever wBmanted Ato
CGall on all of your giBmrls, go out and sAhow it off
You don't do anGything alBmone, do yoAu?
I dGon't understBmand how yAou made a plan to dGie when you're yBmoung
I think tAhat's ******* dumb
I dGon't understBmand how yoAu've had a hand in everythGing I've ever dBmone wrAongChorusGI dBmid, AI did the best I cGanBmAD.
Oh, GI dBmid, AI did the best I cGanBmAD.
Oh, yGou mBmake mAe someone I can't stGand.BmAD.
Oh, GI Bmdid, AI did the best I cGanBmAD.
ChorusGI dBmid, AI did the best I cGanBmAD.
Oh, GI dBmid, AI did the best I cGanBmAD.
Oh, yGou mBmake mAe someone I can't stGand.BmAD.
Oh, GI Bmdid, AI did the best I cGanBmA.