Verse 1I Dhate when you say my full name
Because every time it’s like I’m in trouble agaGin
Hope we’re still friends
And it’s neither of our faults that the feelings I’d find
We’re Dunder my nose the entire ******* Gtime
Well that’d be rightPre-ChorusYou Arubbed my back under my shirt to say
“This is probably not a good iGdea”
I Aface the wall and laugh, “no worries mate
I’ve been sleeping alone for Gyears.”
ChorusAnd Anow we talk through mutual friends
And I’m still so unsure how I feel Gabout this
We Amet we found some common ground
Over sounds we make and I really Gfell for you
And I Aknow that we’ve made this awkward
But you’ve learned the burning children in us are Gforward
We made an Auncalculated risk
So let’s just leave this lying where it GisVerse 2Our Dpupils were dilated we were captivated
Fixated with something that I forGget
In some tent
DHunting through our mates grog, the weather was hot
We were doing lines in my car and Glaughing
At people passingPre-Chorus 2We Awatched a band you whispered in my ear
“I can’t bloody wait to Gwatch you here”
ASaw your eyes from miles away in a drugged up haze
Why was it all oGkay?Chorus 2Can Afingers blush I swear mine did
When they traced around the edges of your Gbelt
My Ahands were numb, your breath ragged
And I know you knew exactly how I Gfelt
And I Aknow that we’ve made this awkward
But you’ve learned the burning children in us are Gforward
We made an Auncalculated risk
So let’s just leave this lying where it GisOutro