Rita Ora - I Will Never Let You Down Chords

When did Rita Ora release I Will Never Let You Down?

I Will Never Let You Down was released on 2014-03-31

Capo: 2nd Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
Verse ID Tell me baby what we're Agonna Bmdo
Bm I’ll make it easy, got a F#mlot to Gdo
D Watch the sunlight, Acoming Bmtrue
Bm Open the window, let it F#mshine on GyouPre-ChorusCause DI’ve been sick and working all week
And AI’ve been doing just Bmfine
BmYou’ve been tired of watching me
forF#mgot to have a good Gtime, boy
DYou can take it all these spaces
ANever keeping it Bmreal
Bm I know exactly how you F#mfeelG.
ChorusG When you say you've had enough
D And you might just give it up
BmOh, Aah
F#mI will neveGr let you down
G When you feeling alone love
D I’ll be what you dreaming of
BmOh, Aah
F#mI will neveGr let you down
GDBmOh, Aah
F#mI will neveGr let you down
GDBmOh, Aah
F#mI will neveGr let you downInstrumentalDABm
Verse IID There’s a million Aways to Bmgo
Bm Don’t be embarrassed if you F#mlose conGtrol
D On the rooftop, Anow you Bmknow
Bm Your body’s frozen and you F#mlost your GsoulPre-ChorusCause DI’ve been sick and working all week
And AI’ve been doing just Bmfine
BmYou’ve been tired of watching me
forF#mgot to have a good Gtime, boy
DYou can take it all these spaces
ANever keeping it Bmreal
Bm I know exactly how you F#mfeelG.
ChorusG When you say you've had enough
D And you might just give it up
BmOh, Aah
F#mI will neveGr let you down
G When you feeling alone love
D I’ll be what you dreaming of
BmOh, Aah
F#mI will neveGr let you down
GDBmOh, Aah
F#mI will neveGr let you down
GDBmOh, Aah
F#mI will neveGr let you downInstrumentalGDBmAF#mG.
GLet me take you where you Dnever go
BmHave a little Afun it's the F#monly way we Gknow
GLet me show you what you Dnever see
BmYou know how to Alove, only F#mwhen you holding Gme oh!ChorusG When you say you've had enough
D And you might just give it up
BmOh, Aah
F#mI will neveGr let you down
G When you feeling alone love
D I’ll be what you dreaming of
BmOh, Aah
F#mI will neveGr let you down

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