Verse 1COh, an incurable humanist you are
COh, an incurable humanist you are
YGou aCre, yGou aCre, are, yFou aCre
COh, an incurable humanist you are
COh, an incurable humanist you-oo-oo-oo are, are, are, are
YFou oo-oo-oo aCre, are, are, areChorusLFet's go to the mGovies
I will Amhum you a song about nG/Bothing at all
LFet's go to the mGovies
I will Amhum you a song about nG/Bothing at all
LFet's go to the mGovies, let's go Amto the movies
G/BNothing at all, nothing at all
Nothing at all, nothing at all, aCllInterludeC
Verse 2COh, an incurable humanist you are
COh, an incurable humanist you-oo-oo-oo are, are, are, are
FYou oo-oo-oo aCre, are, are, areChorusLFet's go to the mGovies
I will Amhum you a song about nG/Bothing at all
LFet's go to the mGovies
I will Amhum you a song about nG/Bothing at all
LFet's go to the mGovies, let's go Amto the movies
G/BNothing at all, nothing at all
Nothing at all, nothing at all, aCllBridgeSit dGown, class, open up your textbooks to page 4C2
Porcupine-olFogy, antler-oGlogy
Car-oAmlogy, bus-olCogy, train-oEmlogy, plane-olFogy
GMama-oFlogy, papa-oGlogy, you-oAmlogy, me-oClogy
Love-oFlogy, kiss-oGlogy, stay-oAmlogy, please-oClogy
Let's stFudy, class, let's stGudy, class, sit dCown
Love-olFogy, love-olGogy, I'm sorry-oAmlogy, forgive me-oClogy
Love-oFlogy, love-oGlogy, I'm sorry-oAmlogy, forgive me-oClogy
Love-oFlogy, love-oGlogy, love-oAmlogy, love-oClogy
LFet's study, class, lGet's study, class, sCit down
FLove-ology, loGve-ology, I'm sorry-oAmlogy, forgive Cme-ology
FLove-ology, love-oGlogy, I'm sorry-Amology, forgive me-CologyOutroFOh, an incuGrable humanist Amyou aCre
FOh, an incGurable humanist yAmou aCre
FI'm sorry, fGorgive me, AmI'm sorry-oClogy
FForgive me, IG'm sorry, Amforgive me-oClogy
FForgive me, fGorgive me, fAmorgive me-oClogy