Passion - What He's Done Chords (Tasha Cobbs Leonard)

When did Passion release What He's Done - Live From Passion 2022?

What He's Done - Live From Passion 2022 was released on 2022-02-18

Capo: 6th Fret
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U
something here
VerseSGee on the hill of GsusCalva--Gry
My Savior bBmled for Emme
My JCesus set me frGee
LGook at the wounds that gGsusive me liGfe
Grace flowing fBmrom His sEmide
No grCeater sacrifiGceChorusWhat He's DoGne
EmWhat He's DDone
All the glory and the honor to the SGon
My sins are foBmrgiven
My future is HCeaven
I praise GDod for what He's GsusdoneG.
VerseSGing! For the freedomGsus He has wGon
Even death is dBmead and dEmone
His lCife has overcoGme
SpGeak! Say the Name aGsusbove all naGmes
Over every bBmroken plEmace
He is riCsen from the grGave!ChorusWhat He's DoGne
EmWhat He's DDone
All the glory and the honor to the SGon
My sins are foBmrgiven
My future is HCeaven
I praise GDod for what He's GsusdoneG.
BridgeNGow on a throne of GsusmajestGy
The Father's Bmwill compEmlete
He reCigns in victoGry
BmSing! HallelCujah to the KiDng
He is worthy to reEmceive
All the woCrship we can brGingChorusWhat He's DoGne
EmWhat He's DDone
All the glory and the honor to the SGon
My sins are foBmrgiven
My future is HCeaven
I praise GDod for what He's GsusdoneG.
ChorusWhat He's DoGne
EmWhat He's DDone
All the glory and the honor to the SGon
My sins are foBmrgiven
My future is HCeaven
I praise GDod for what He's dEmoneC.
I praise GDod for what He's GsusdoneGGsusG.

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