Parokya Ni Edgar - Absorbing Man Chords

When did Parokya Ni Edgar release Absorbing Man?

Absorbing Man was released on 2003-01-01

Capo: none
Bb // x133xx
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

*You can also play Bb like this x133xx

something here
Verse 1You can bDmeat me up
FCall me names
SBbteal my bike
AGo insane
I don't cDmare if you reaFrrange my face
I don't mBbindA.
You can Dmburn my toys
And the Fbooks I read
SBbtill it won't Amatter to me
Cause with Dmone big gulp
I'll sFwallow it up and sBbmile.A
ChorusBecause BbI'Cm the inDmcredible abCsorbing Bbman
And BbI'Cm gonna Dmdo the Cbest I cBban
Till you Dmfinally CundersBbtandA*.
Verse 2I'm cDmalm,.F.
I'm Bbserene.A.
Not a Dmword is getting Fthrough me
When you sBbcream.A.
I'm a sDmponge.F.
I soak it BbupA.
All the cDmrap you put me Fthrough
Won't make Bbme give A*upChorusBecause BbI'Cm the inDmcredible abCsorbing Bbman
And BbI'Cm gonna Dmdo the Cbest I cBban
Because BbI'Cm the inDmcredible abCsorbing Bbman
And BbI'Cm gonna Dmdo the Cbest I cBban
Till you Dmfinally CundersBbtandA*.
Verse 3Bb I will never Cfalter
I will never Dmquit
C You'll never find Bbanother
Who'll put up with your ****
Bb I will never CfalterDmCBb*
Because BbI'Cm the inDmcredible abCsorbing Bbman
And BbI'Cm gonna Dmdo the Cbest I cBban
Because BbI'Cm the inDmcredible abCsorbing Bbman
And BbI'Cm gonna Dmdo the Cbest I cBban
Till you Dmfinally CundersBbtandA*.

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