Olivia Rodrigo - Enough For You Chords

When did Olivia Rodrigo release enough for you?

enough for you was released on 2021-05-21

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

olivia rodrigo enough for you guitar tabs acoustic easyIt’s interesting how they use the same chords for the chorus and the verse, but there is a variation on which chords are emphasized. C for the verses and G for the chorus. If it’s a bit confusing at first, then start slow. You will be able to do it in no time. I believe in you. Hope you guys enjoy!

something here
verse 1G I wore mEmake-up when we Cdated
'Cause I Cthought you'd like me moreG
If I looked Emlike the other Cprom queens
I know Cthat you loved beforeG
Tried so hEmard to be everyC-thing that you liCke
JustG for you to sEmay you're not the C*compliment typeverse 2G And I knew hEmow you took your cCoffee
And your fCavourite songs by heartG
I read Emall of your self-hCelp books so you'd Cthink that I was smartG
Stupid, eEmmotional, obCsessive little Cme
G I knew from the sEmtart this is exCactly how you'd CleavechorusYou found Gsomeone more exEmciting
The next Csecond, you were Ggone
And Gyou left me there Emcryin', wondeCrin' what I did Gwrong
And you always Gsay I'm never Emsatisfied
But CI don't think that's Gtrue
'Cause Gall I ever Emwanted was to Cbe enough for yoGu
Yeah Gall I ever Emwanted was to Cbe enough for yoGuG.
verse 3G And maybe EmI'm just not as Cinteresting as the Cgirls you had beGfore
But God, you Emcouldn't have cared Cless about
SomeCone who loved you Gmore
I'd say you bEmroke my heart
But you Cbroke much more than Cthat
Now, GI don't want your Emsympathy
I just Cwant myself back beforechorusYou found Gsomeone more exEmciting
The next Csecond, you were Ggone
And Gyou left me there Emcryin', wondeCrin' what I did Gwrong
And you always Gsay I'm never Emsatisfied
But CI don't think that's Gtrue
'Cause Gall I ever Emwanted was to Cbe enough
bridgeDon't you Gthink I loved you Emtoo much
To be Cused and disGcarded?
Don't you Gthink I loved you Emtoo much
To think CI deserve Gnothing?
But Gdon't tell me you're Emsorry, boy
Feel Csorry for yourGself
'Cause G*someday, I'll be Em*everything to C*somebody elselast chorusAnd they'll think that I'mG so exEmcitingCC.
And you'll Gbe the one who's Emcryin'C
YeCah, you always sGay I'm never Emsatisfied
But CI don't think that's Gtrue
You sGay I'm never Emsatisfied
But Cthat's not me, it's yoGu
'Cause Gall I ever Emwanted was to Cbe enough
But GI don't think anEmything could ever Cbe enough
For yoGuEmCCEnough for yoGuoh EmahhCa
No, Cnothing's enough for yoGu
And they'll think that I'mG so exEmcitingCC.
And you'll Gbe the one who's Emcryin'C
YeCah, you always sGay I'm never Emsatisfied
But CI don't think that's Gtrue
You sGay I'm never Emsatisfied
But Cthat's not me, it's yoGu
'Cause Gall I ever Emwanted was to Cbe enough
But GI don't think anEmything could ever Cbe enough
For yoGuEmCCEnough for yoGuoh EmahhCa
No, Cnothing's enough for yoG*u

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