Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Flying On The Ground Chords

When did Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds release Flying On The Ground?

Flying On The Ground was released on 2021-06-11

Capo: none
Strumming Pattern: D = Down, U = Up, - = pause
Strumming Pattern #1 - D D U D U D
Strumming Pattern #2 - D D D D D D D
Strumming Pattern #3 - D U D D - D U

Remember when you got teased because you only knew how to play Wonderwall? Now is the chance to redeem yourself. Show ’em this bad boy 🙂

something here
Verse 1Like a lonely Cm7add9soul on an empty Ebmaj7sea
Behind a setting Cm7add9sun, I bet you can't find Ebmaj7me
I'm flying on the Cmground
Yeah, I'm upside Ebdown
'Cause I got so Bbhigh.BbsusBb
Verse 2I walk in single Cm7add9file on an open Ebmaj7road
My head is in the Cm7add9clouds, got a heart of Ebmaj7gold
I'm flying on the Cmground
Yeah, I'm upside Ebdown
'Cause I got so Bbhigh.BbsusBbF/A
ChorusGmYou never do what you're Ebtold
You're coming out of the Bbcold
And we'll say a F/Aprayer for everyone that we Gmknow
As the years go Ebby, I'll wipe the tear from your Bbeye
All we need is D7love and a place we call Ebmaj7homeInstrumentalBbCmBb/DEb
ChorusGm You never do what you're tEbold
You're coming out of the cBbold
And we'll say a F/Aprayer for everyone that we Gmknow
As the years go Ebby, I'll wipe the tear from your Bbeye
All we need is F/Alove and a place we call hGmome
GmYou never do what you're Ebtold
You're coming out of the Bbcold
And we'll say a F/Aprayer for everyone that we Gmknow
As the years go Ebby, I'll wipe the tear from your Bbeye
All we need is D7love and a place we call Ebmaj7homeBbBbsusBb
Verse 3Like a lonely sCm7add9oul on an empty sEbmaj7ea
Behind a setting Cm7add9sun, I bet you can't find Ebmaj7me
I'm flying on the Cmground
Yeah, I'm upside Ebdown
'Cause I got so Bbhigh.BbsusBb
OutroI'm flying on the Cmground
Yeah, I'm upside Ebdown
'Cause I got so Bbhigh
I'm flying on the Cmground
Yeah, I'm upside Ebdown
'Cause I got so Bbhigh

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